Evening workshop “DSGVO – simple and efficient”.
In our DSGVO workshop, you will learn briefly and compactly the 1×1 of the General Data Protection Regulation.
The DSGVO workshop is based on the “Informationsoffensive Workshop Datenschutz Neu” of the WKO NÖ. The speaker, Andreas Schindler, is a certified data protection expert and in the DSGVO consultant pool of the WKO NÖ.
The following questions will be answered in the workshop:
- Why is the GDPR relevant for me?
- How can I minimize the risk to my business?
- What do I need to do to be prepared in a meaningful way?
- What exactly is the GDPR and how can I use the new rules to my advantage?
- How can I meet the documentation requirements of the GDPR with minimal effort?
The workshops take place in our training center in 2100 Stetten, Hautstrasse 49. Registrations in the online store or by email (gdpr@schindler-it.com).