Do not use a password twice.
- Do not change your password regularly, this will only cause you to forget your password and then choose the easiest possible ones that can be quickly hacked.
- Special characters do not automatically make a password more secure! Most secure: The longer the password, the better. We would advise you to use min. 10 characters to use.
- Your password should be easy for you to remember.
- String 3 – 4 words together, but they should not be logically related.
- You also have the option to use a password manager (e.g. 1Password).
- Use 2-factor authentication.
- For your email account, use your own password, if hackers know this password, they can simply go to “forgot password” and have access to all your accounts.
Examples of good passwords (please do not use exactly these passwords!):
- PaperHouseAppleBasket
- BoxFlowerWindow
- StonePhoneHairCoffee
Examples of bad passwords:
- Password123!
- Mausi1!
- Jacob4