Who has the right to Correction? This right is available to any person whose data has been incorrectly stored. are, for example, an incorrect date of birth or an incorrect address. The right to However, correction is also present if the data has been changed in consideration of the processing purpose are incomplete.
How must a request for rectification be handled?
The data controller must correct or complete the data of the data subject without delay. Subsequently, the person concerned must be informed of the action taken. This must be done in writing and in a compact, transparent and understandable manner. If the request was made electronically, the data subject may be notified via e-mail. If the data subject insists on paper transmission, this request must be complied with. An oral notification is also admissible, but only if the identity of the applicant has been established beyond doubt.
What is the deadline to meet?
The responsible person shall settle the request without delay, but in any case within one month. If the processing cannot be completed within one month for economic or technical reasons, the deadline can be extended to three months. In this case, however, the responsible party must inform the applicant of the reasons for the delay.
Where can affected persons enforce their claims?
To enforce this right, the data subject may file a complaint with the data protection authority within one year of becoming aware of the violation.
Further information to consider when handling affected party issues can be found here.