The Corona virus causes fear in many. Now bad guys use this fear to distribute new malware.
We found several malware campaigns in the wild, trying to lure you into activating a malware to steal your data.
All kinds of tricks are used to use the corona fear to convince you to activate malware.
One example is the russian website offering Test Kits and Maps about the virus while infecting your computer.
In Japan the Trojan Emotet Emotet setals emails and generate realistic looking emails to convince the recipient to open the malware.
The Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen warns about a Medicine-Fake-Shop. Advertisement emails for Medical Masks are sent. However, they do not deliver any orders. They even use the name of a real company which is not involved in this scam.
Even in Italy many scam shops were busted in the recent days.
Unfortunately the criminals will find new ways to use the fear from corona for new scams.
We strongly recommend to protect your Network and your data. Install updates to keep your system safe. And train youremployees . And be careful about what you open. Not every mail is safe. Word and Excel Attachments are a main way to distribute malware.