Every day, there are numerous reports in media of ransomware attacks. It’s no longer a question of whether your company is under attack, but when it hits your company network and you have to deal with data theft and extortion.
Many companies still rely on preventive measures and often attacks by cybercriminals go undetected for a long time. However, this can be easily prevented by additionally relying on AI-supported network monitoring. Some also speak of a Firewal Next Generation. The advantage of AI-supported network monitoring is that an attack on your company network is detected more quickly and a stop is put in place before the actual damage is done.
As an entrepreneur, rely on shielding measures and prevention such as firewalls, anti-virus systems, encryption or access management are intended to protect company data, infrastructure and employees’ accounts from attacks? These measures are important, but they will not be enough. The time it takes to detect such an attack plays an important role in preventing or mitigating damping. en network security solutions with AI support make an important contribution when it comes to time. AI can analyze the existing log data and learn which processes are normal in their corporate network, detect deviations and quickly sound the alarm. This way you can react in time and contain possible damage.
Sophos focuses on networking and data protection and offers AI-powered solutions for businesses. With Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR), it’s not just your server or PC that can be protected. Sophos also offers the right protection for tablets (Apple or Windows-based). Schindler IT Solutions has been a Sophos partner for many years. We therefore asked the managing director for a brief statement.
“The later the threats, attacks and data leaks are detected on the network, the higher the damage. That’s why it’s important to me that we work together with decision-makers in companies to create a basis for recognizing threats in good time and taking the appropriate countermeasures. tells Ing. Andreas Schindler (certified security expert). He looks back on 25 years of experience in the field of network and data security and also supports the cybersecurity hotline of the WKO with his know-how.