Currently, there is an increasing number of calls from criminals pretending to be Amazon employees and claiming that their Amazon account has been hacked. They state that the reason for the call is that suspicious orders have been detected on your Amazon account. They then offer you to cancel the order and “help protect your account”.
However, the real reason of the call is that criminals are trying to get your money, ID and Amazon credentials.
How to recognize the fake call:
- You will only be called by Amazon if you request a callback via customer service beforehand.
- Employees of reputable companies never ask for personal data, passwords, bank details or payment information.
- You will never be asked by Amazon to make a bank transfer by phone.
- Amazon never accesses your device with maintenance software as a matter of principle. Therefore, do not install any programs or apps /e.g. TeamViewer when prompted.
- If you have a strange feeling or are unsure, just hang up.
If it does happen, what can you do:
- if you have given your bank details, contact your bank immediately. If you are quick and with a little luck, the money may still be recovered.
- block your credit card
- change your passwords immediately
- file a complaint with the police.