“GDPR Update – What really matters?”
Companies have been carrying the burden of the GDPR for 5 years – but only those who want to see it that way.
The implementation of the GDPR in everyday life is not too difficult and the focus is on data security.
DSGVO stands for the careful handling of personal data, which is linked to company data, and it is therefore obvious that the topic of data security and data protection provides the basis. And it is precisely the protection of your company data incl. of the personal data requires a DSGVO compliant work.
On 25. 5. 2023 at 13:00 starts an online webinar “DSGVO – What really matters?” with the DSGVO expert Ing. Andreas Schindler.
- GDPR in the last year – What has happened?
- What’s new in the GDPR?
- Current cybercime risks
- GDPR and data security in the home office – precautions and responsibility
- The most common DSGVO mistakes for SMEs
- What are the risks and opportunities of using AI ? – From copyright to recognizing deep fakes
We have appointed Mr. Ing. Schindler asked why the GDPR is so important.
“For me, data protection, data security and the GDPR belong together. However, it is important to keep yourself informed. If we take home office for example. There, too, the GDPR is valid and must be implemented. The employee must assume the obligation to implement the GDPR within his or her own four walls. That’s where guidelines are needed. Or if AI like chat GDP is used by employees, the GDPR must be complied with there as well.
As an entrepreneur, you continue to bear the responsibility and can be asked to pay in the event of a DSGVO violation, even in the home office. It is enough, for example, if a pay slip is printed out and disposed of in the red paper garbage can, the wind opens the lid and the slip “flutters” into the neighbor’s garden.