Queries from police systems on persons in the family environment
The police officer asked for information about people in his family environment from police systems, which was only for private purposes.
Due to the suspicion that the official had violated the protection of private information, a criminal investigation was opened against him before the Hessian data protection authority imposed a fine. However, it was not possible to prove that any information had been passed on to third parties, which is why the investigation was discontinued.
The penalty notice is legally binding.
No exact date could be taken from the activity report of the Hessian data protection authority, the date was given here as December 31, 2021.
Art des Verstoßes:
Illegal data processing
Betroffene Datensätze:
Waren sensible Daten betroffen?:
verhängte Geldstrafe:
€ 1,800,-
Violation of GDPR Paragraph:
5. Principles relating to personal data processing
6. Lawfulness of processing
Activity Report 2021 of the HBDI